Trenchless Innovations has been providing air duct & sewer repair services to solve problems for residential and commercial clients in Lynwood, IL, and the surrounding areas since 2002!

View our service reviews to see why our customers rate us highly as their trusted air duct & sewer repair professionals in Lynwood, IL.

Local Reviews
for Lynwood, IL

Bob S.

Bob S.

Televised ducts under a slab floor, revealing concrete ducts with heavily rusted metal fittings. Recommended using spin cast mortaring to restore the metal fittings' integrity. Followed by applying Duct Armor duct lining material for a durable and protective coating. This process will ensure the ducts are sealed and protected from further corrosion, enhancing the overall efficiency and longevity of the duct system.

Near Crescent Ave, Lynwood, IL 60411