Trenchless Innovations has been providing air duct & sewer repair services to solve problems for residential and commercial clients in Harvey, IL, and the surrounding areas since 2002!

View our service reviews to see why our customers rate us highly as their trusted air duct & sewer repair professionals in Harvey, IL.

Local Reviews
for Harvey, IL

John R.

John R.

Lined 4” cast iron sewer line from floor cleanout in janitorial closet approximately 25’ downstream. Lined 4” cast iron sewer line from men’s bathroom floor cleanout approximately 8’ downstream. Reinstated 4 connections. Applied a 3 mil thick coat of epoxy from floor cleanout in woman’s bathroom approximately 25’ downstream.

Near Vail Ave, Harvey, IL 60426
Bob S.

Bob S.

Completed trenchless lateral lining to rehabilitate a leaking sewer branch connection. Excavated a small pit at the junction, cleaned the existing pipes, and installed a T-liner impregnated with epoxy resin. Once cured, the seamless repair sealed the connection point from further infiltration without digging.

Near Vail Ave, Harvey, IL 60426